General Grievous

Star-wars-episode-iii---revenge-of-the-sith.pnggrevious-01General Wheezy, I mean Grievous was the cyborg Supreme Commander of the Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems for most of the Clone Wars. Grievous was originally a Kaleesh from the planet Kalee, where he lived his early life. I just love the way he randomly coughs its the simple things such as this that really brings more depth to a character.

R2 D2


A clever little droid that can’t just seem to get away from all the action, R2-D2 pronounced as Artoo-Deetoo or just R2 for short is astromech droid with a masculine programming. According to Astromech droids are a series of versatile utility robots generally used for the maintenance and repair of starships and related technology. These small droids are often equipped with a variety of tool-tipped appendages that are stowed in recessed compartments.Resourceful and spunky, the droid developed an adventurous personality during his many decades of operation without a single memory wipe. Yes I know we all want one. Thanks to his fearless personality and many hidden gadgets of course R2 played a huge role in saving the galaxy for many years.

I love R2, I remember the childish attraction I felt to him when I was a kid he made me laugh and worry about him alot, He’s just one of those character your not allowed to harm.